Currently available for jobs!

Irina Petrova

Full Stack Developer


Columbus, OH

Hello there! I am an analytical chemist turned software engineer, currently building and deploying successful full-stack web applications using (mainly) MERN stack. I love working across the stack and look for elegant and simple solutions to streamline processes, and I am always curious about new frameworks and technologies. When I'm not coding, I can be found looking for One Piece, exploring geography of Azeroth, and trying (and most likely failing) to not fall into a black hole on Reddit.


Web Design & Development

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, Git


React.js, Next.js, Chakra UI, Material UI, Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS


Node.js, Express.js, REST API, GraphQL

Database Management

PostgreSQL, MongoDB


Here are some of my most recent projects that I have worked on. Would be delighted to hear your feedback!

  • Book Street

    A full-stack app for all sorts of reading tracking and reading sharing with others!
    Tech used: NodeJS, ExpressJS, MongoDB, JS, Bootstrap, CSS, HTML

  • Game of Tenzi

    Exciting game of tenzi with multiple difficulties to choose from. Dare to try to beat the impossible?
    Tech used: React, CSS, JS, HTML

  • Todon't List

    The Todon't List is a full-stack application that is a play on the normal Todo List intended to help the user be mindful of poor habits.
    Tech used: NodeJS, ExpressJS, MongoDB, JS, CSS, HTML

  • Cozy Bar

    Application that interacts with TheCocktailDB API to allow specific cocktail search with autocomplete enabled. It can also surprise you with a random cocktail recipe!
    Tech used: React, Material UI, CSS, JS, HTML

  • Business Viz

    A single page application acting as a business card with a pleasant design and changing on hover links.
    Tech used: React, CSS, JS, HTML

  • Coffee with Steff

    Beautiful webpage that showcases a coffee shop.
    Tech used: JS, CSS, HTML


Feel free to reach out on any platform if you would like to build something together, have a question, or just want to connect; I would love to hear from you!

You can follow me on Twitter, Linkedin and GitHub.